Amaryllo Roots - RJ11 Wired GPS receiver Print

Water proof wired GPS receiver with RJ11 connector.

Amaryllo ROOTS is a robust GPS receiver that can be connected directly to navigation devices using an RJ11 connector. The product is ideally suited for use in combination with navigational software in car or boat. It is targeted towards the customer with high demand for reliability and ease-of-use that requires a no-nonsense product for a competitive price. The device is compatible with many traditional existing solutions utilising the RJ11 connection.

The device is delivered in bubble wrap without quick start guide and wthout driver CD. Drivers can be downloaded from the web.

Although it looks like a simple device, the Amaryllo ROOTS contains advanced GPS technology. The heart of the device is the powerful SiRFstar III chipset that guarantees a high quality reception of the satellite data and a quick ‘fix’, even under the most difficult circumstances. The receiver communicates with a laptop over USB and utilises the industry standard NMEA protocol. Therefore, the product is compatible with almost any navigational software and computer hardware on the market.

The SiRF Star III chipset is capable of receiving and processing the signals of 20 satellites simultaneously. It can do fast digital signal processing, even with low quality signals or in situations with high noise levels. It supports SBAS (WAAS, GNOS, MSAS) and has a built in micro battery to make it possible to temporary store data, resulting in quicker re-start. The LED on the receiver clearly indicates if there is a fix. The USB cable length is 2 meters. Furthermore, the receiver has a rubber anti slip bottom that is also magnetic. This makes the receiver stable in car or boat. The receiver is water proof to IPX7 standard.

GPS Chipset SiRF Star III GSC3f 7879
Frequency L1 1575.42MHz, C/A code
Channels 20 channels
Update rate 1Hz
Acquisition time Hot start (outdoors) 1 second
  Hot start (indoors) 15 seconds
  Cold Start (outdoors) 35 seconds
Positional accuracy Autonomous < 10m (2D RMS)
  SBAS < 5m (2D RMS)
Datum WGS-84
Max. Height < 20.000 m
Max. Speed < 1.800 km/u
Protocols NMEA 0183 ver. 3.0. 4800bps, 8 databits, no parity, 1 stop bit, 1Hz: GGA, GLL, GSA, GSV, RMC, VTG
SiRF Binary 4800bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
  Water proof (IPX7)
  Magnetic, anti-slip base. Robust housing design

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